This painting was inspired by watching the birds that come to the bird feeders in my backyard. I keep the feeders full of sunflower seeds, which the birds and squirrels love. I usually see Cardinals, House Finches, Chickadees, Blue Jays, and once in a while Wood Peckers. We find all kinds of bird feathers in our yard including red wing hawks and owls. The Chickadee and Carolina wren were carved out of the wood the bricks framing the canvas were carved from. The vines were made of wire with canvas leaves attached. Ive been experimenting with bringing the image beyond the edge of the canvas. On this painting the broken bricks, carved birds, and vines do just that.
This painting was selected to be in the Artfields 2019 competition from April 26 – May 4, 2019.

Title: Backyard Birds
Size: 32.5″x31.25″
Price: $6200.00
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas and Wood
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